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Elise M. Stefanik

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik proudly represents New York’s 21st District and serves as the House Republican Conference Chair and most senior Republican in New York. In 2014, Elise successfully flipped a Democrat district to Republican winning by over 20 points. At the time of her first election, Elise was the youngest woman ever elected to Congress in United States history. She continued this historic rise and she is currently the youngest woman ever to serve in top elected House leadership. Elise is known for her tireless work ethic, policy leadership, media savvy, genuine grassroots connection with voters, and laser focus on delivering real results to her Upstate New York and North Country constituents. Elise has consistently won historic re-election victories, often by the largest margin of any Republican in the Northeast, and consistently earning the most votes in history for any Congressional candidate in the North Country.

Elise is one of President Trump’s staunchest allies in Congress. Hailed by President Trump as “a star,” Elise served on the House Intelligence Committee during the unconstitutional impeachment hearings and played a leading role as a member of President Trump’s impeachment defense team. She served as Co-Chair of New York, a top national surrogate for President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign, and was proud to deliver a keynote primetime speech at the Republican National Convention in 2020. Elise is proud to be the highest-ranking official in Congress to endorse President Trump for President in 2024.

Elise is a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, the Committee on Education and Labor, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Elise has been rated as one of the most effective and bipartisan Members of Congress. She is a well-respected national policy leader on issues ranging from economic policy impacting small businesses and manufacturers to national security, intelligence reform and oversight, rural broadband, rural healthcare, constitutional protections, conservation, life, K-12 & higher education, cyber security, artificial intelligence, law enforcement, battlefield preservation, northern border issues, border security, & government accountability and transparency.

Elise was born and raised in Upstate New York. Prior to serving in Congress, she worked at her family’s small business. Growing up in a small business family, Elise learned, lived, and understands the values of hard work, perseverance, determination, and grit. As the first member of her immediate family to have the opportunity to earn a college degree, Elise graduated with Honors from Harvard. From 2006 to 2009, Elise served in the West Wing of the White House on President George W. Bush’s Domestic Policy Council Staff and the Chief of Staff’s office where she assisted in overseeing the policy development process on all economic and domestic policy issues.

It is the highest and most humbling honor of Elise’s life to represent Upstate New York and the North Country in Congress. She is proud to work tirelessly every day to bring a new generation of leadership to Washington on behalf of her district’s hardworking families, small businesses, farmers, students, seniors, service members, military families, law enforcement officers, and veterans. She is unapologetic about fighting every day to give her constituents a seat at the absolute highest levels of government.

Elise lives in Schuylerville with her husband Matt and their young son Sam. They are proud to call Upstate New York – the cradle of the American Revolution – home.

Stefanik has a website where she outlines her positions on various issues, such as:

Jobs and the economy: Stefanik supports reducing taxes and regulations for small businesses, expanding workforce development and training programs, investing in rural broadband and infrastructure, and promoting trade and tourism in the North Country.

National security and defense: Stefanik supports strengthening the military and veterans’ services, modernizing the nuclear triad, confronting China and Russia, and protecting the U.S. from cyberattacks and terrorism.

Health care: Stefanik supports repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, expanding access to rural health care, and bringing transparency and accountability to the health care system.

Education: Stefanik supports expanding school choice and charter schools, increasing funding for STEM education, reforming student loans and debt, and supporting teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Agriculture: Stefanik supports protecting and expanding the Farm Bill, promoting dairy and specialty crops, securing trade deals for farmers, and addressing labor shortages and environmental challenges in the agricultural sector.

Environment: Stefanik supports combating climate change, preserving the Adirondack Park, investing in clean energy and green jobs, and opposing the Green New Deal.

Second Amendment: Stefanik supports defending the right to bear arms, opposing gun control legislation, and promoting responsible gun ownership and safety.

Social issues: Stefanik supports protecting life, religious freedom, and the Constitution, opposing abortion and taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, and promoting adoption and foster care.

Stefanik has been a loyal supporter of former President Donald Trump and his policies, especially his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. She strongly opposed his first impeachment in 2019 and his second impeachment in 2021, and blamed Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the January 6 attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters14. She also replaced Liz Cheney as the chair of the House Republican Conference after Cheney was ousted for criticizing Trump and his role in the insurrection1 .

Stefanik has also faced criticism for her support of controversial figures such as George Santos, a Republican congressional candidate from New York who was indicted for tax fraud and drug possession. Stefanik endorsed Santos and donated to his campaign, despite his legal troubles and his inflammatory remarks on social media1 .