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Ann Wagner

Rep Ann Wagner Leadership

Ann Wagner’s career is both deep and broad in service to her hometown, state and nation with over 30 years of work in the private sector, community and public service, and the political arena.

The 2nd District has always been home for Ann. It is where she and her husband of over thirty years, Ray, grew up, went to school, raised their children, work, volunteer, and go to church. This community has given her extraordinary opportunities to make a difference.

At an early age, Ann started working in the family business, a retail carpet store called Carpetime in Manchester. Working beside her parents she learned the value of a dollar, a strong work ethic, honesty, integrity, and that government should stay off the backs and out of the way of hard-working Americans trying to make a living.

Ann then took that experience to the University of Missouri-Columbia and received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Logistics. After college, Ann went to work in the private sector and held management positions at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City and Ralston Purina in St. Louis.

Ann’s most important jobs, however, have always been as a wife, mother, and now grandmother. Ann and Ray have three children: Raymond, an Army Captain who recently welcomed his first child, Isabella, into the world with his wife Julia; Stephen, a Client Services Manager for a St. Louis area financial management company; and Mary Ruth, a recent college graduate who moved back to the 2nd District and is working as a Business Development Coordinator.

Ann Wagner’s public service began at the grassroots level. She served for nine years as a local committeewoman in Lafayette Township and went on to Chair the Missouri Republican Party, delivering historic Republican gains. She also served as Co-Chairman of the Republican National Committee during the first term of President George W. Bush.

In 2005, following nomination by President Bush and confirmation by the U.S. Senate, Ann was sworn in as the 19th U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. She served as U.S. Ambassador for four years before returning to her home in Ballwin, Missouri.

Ann then decided to put her own name on the ballot and won her first Congressional race with over 60% of the vote, receiving more votes that election cycle than any other Republican Congressional candidate in Missouri. She took office in January of 2013 and was selected by both her freshman and sophomore class to be their representative on the Elected Leadership Committee.

As your representative from the 2nd District, Congresswoman Wagner serves as Vice Ranking Member on both the House Financial Services Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee. She has worked tirelessly to demand transparency and accountability from federal regulators, while continuing to investigate waste, fraud, and abuse. During her time in Congress, Representative Wagner has been committed to regulatory reform, authoring bills such as the Retail Investor Protection Act which protects access to retirement savings for middle class families.

Ann has made combating sex trafficking and online exploitation of women and children major legislative priorities. She authored the SAVE Act, which amended the Federal criminal code to allow prosecutions of those who knowingly advertise sex slavery, along with the Put Trafficking Victims First Act and the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA). FOSTA became law in April of 2018 and is the most significant anti-trafficking law Congress has passed in nearly 20 years, finally giving local, state, and federal prosecutors the tools they need to hold websites accountable when they profit from the sale of sex trafficking victims.

About Rep Ann Wagner personal story

Born and raised in Missouri, Ann Wagner understands our conservative Christian family values.

Ann learned the value of a hard day’s work at her parents’ small retail carpet store, Carpetime in Manchester. Working alongside her parents, she learned the value of a dollar, a strong work ethic, honesty, integrity and that government ought to get out of the way and off the backs of hard-working Americans, simply trying to make a living.

These values continue to guide her today as she works to cut taxes and eliminate burdensome regulations so local businesses, like her parent’s, can grow and create more jobs.

Ann took her experience with the family business to Mizzou and studied Business Administration. After college, Ann went to work in the private sector and held management positions at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City and Ralston-Purina in St. Louis.

But she felt called to serve Missourians and her community, which is why she ran for Congress and won. In Congress, she has been a conservative fighter for our Christian family values. She continues to take on the radical Left and Planned Parenthood’s attack on life by being a strong voice for the voiceless.

Ann has worked to defend the right to life from Nancy Pelosi and the liberal mob’s attacks. She has introduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to ensure medical attention is provided to those who survive an abortion. Any baby born - as the result of a botched abortion or not - should have access to medical care. She will always be a fighter for our most vulnerable population.

Ann has also worked to protect our neighborhoods and communities from violent criminals and sex offenders by building the wall at our southern border. As we’ve seen under Joe Biden’s Administration, open border policies have allowed opportunities for sex traffickers and terrorists to enter our country and even neighborhoods. Ann is continuing to work to ensure these violent criminals are held accountable and our border is secured.

Additionally, in Congress, Ann is working to hold the Communist Chinese regime accountable and ensuring they pay for the damage caused by COVID-19, stands with Israel and is fighting to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. With your support, Ann will continue pushing back against Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the radical Left’s socialist agenda that includes rejoining the Paris Climate Accords and negotiating a deal with Iran - the leading state sponsor of terrorism. She knows that we must continue to apply pressure to Iran as they seek to harm Americans at home and abroad.

As the daughter of a Korean War veteran and the mother of an Army Ranger, Ann understands the sacrifices our American heroes make to protect our freedoms. That’s why she has worked to reform the Veterans Affairs health care system to ensure our veterans receive the benefits they deserve.

Most importantly, in Congress, Ann is taking Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the radical Left head on - pushing back against their socialist agenda and cancel culture tactics. The radical Left will stop at nothing to gain more power and grow the size of government - the Green New Deal, socialized medicine and D.C. statehood. And if you disagree with their beliefs, the liberal mob will use their allies in the media and Big Tech to silence your voice. That’s wrong and an attack on our free speech.

In Congress, Ann will continue to support policies that protect our constitutional rights, stand for life, support our American heroes, hold Communist China accountable, build the wall, sanction Iran and defend our freedoms.

She will also use her business experience to get Washington’s spending under control. Right now, Joe Biden’s economy has been a nightmare for middle-class families – higher taxes, inflation and a growing national debt. Missourians balance their checkbooks every year, and so should Washington.

Ann is the conservative fighter with a proven track record of getting things done in Washington. She’ll always fight for our conservative Christian values.

Ann and her husband, Ray, are blessed with three children, two daughters-in-law and two grandchildren.

Strengthening Our Economy

From a young age, Ann’s parents taught her the value of a hard day’s work and that the government ought not to be in the way and on the backs of the American people. The bottom line is that the federal government spends too much, taxes too much, regulates too much and the resulting bureaucracy and red tape hurt job-creators and the middle class. Ann worked to create the greatest economy the country has ever seen. She supported the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which lowered our taxes and eliminated costly regulations - getting the government out of business. Now, Ann is fighting back against Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the radical Left’s economic agenda that has raised taxes on middle-class families, caused inflation and grown our national debt. Ann believes it’s time to get Washington’s spending under control, once and for all. As your Congresswoman, Ann will continue supporting economic policies that spur job growth and restore our economy to its glory.

Fixing Our Health Care System

Our health care system is broken. Now, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the radical Left want to implement socialized medicine, limiting health care choices and increasing our national debt. Instead, Ann is working to fix our health care system with a patient-centered solution that covers those with pre-existing conditions. Ann knows that the best health care decisions are done between the patient, their family and the doctor – not bureaucrats in Washington. In Congress, Ann will continue to support legislation that makes health care more affordable and accessible for all Missourians.

Standing For The Right To Life

Ann Wagner is 100 percent pro-life. In Congress, Ann continues to be a strong voice for the voiceless, combating the radical Left’s support for abortion activists and abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. In Congress, she will continue to fight back against the Democrats’ attacks and stand for the right to life.

Building The Wall And Securing Our Borders

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the radical Left’s open border policies have allowed opportunities for MS-13 gang members, violent criminals, sex offenders, human traffickers and even terrorists to slip through the cracks and come into our country. We need to get back to implementing policies that keep our neighborhoods safe, which starts with finishing the wall. Ann will continue to work to secure our borders and ensure our immigration laws are fully enforced. Ann will also continue to support our law enforcement officials at the border - they must have the resources necessary to keep our communities safe. Ann will always fight to secure our borders, protect our communities and put America first.

Supporting Our American Heroes

In Congress, Ann has supported legislation to build a robust and effective military that is empowered to protect the American people and eliminate ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorist organizations in the Middle East. She has consistently supported funding for locally manufactured fighter jets, the Growler and Super Hornet, so that our military men and women have sufficient tools to keep us safe. As your Representative, she will continue to fight back against the radical Left’s socialist agenda that would hinder our military and make America less safe.

Fighting Sex Trafficking

As a mother and a grandmother, she believes we have a moral obligation to stop the devastating consequences of sex trafficking, where innocent young men and women are dragged into the abyss of modern-day slavery. That’s why she supports building the wall to secure our borders - we must end human trafficking once and for all. However, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the radical Left support open borders that have allowed sex offenders to enter our country. But sex trafficking isn’t just a problem at our borders, we must root out this scrouge in our country. In Congress, Ann will continue to fight against this heinous crime and protect our communities.

The Second Amendment Must Be Protected And Preserved

The radical Left continues to attack our right to keep and bear arms. They want to come to your door and take your rightfully owned gun. That’s wrong and unconstitutional. Ann has supported legislation that protects our Second Amendment rights, and she’s continuing to work to preserve our God-given rights for future generations. The Second Amendment is important to Missourians, and as your Congresswoman, Ann will always fight for your Second Amendment rights.

Protecting Our Conservative Values

As a lifelong Missouri resident, Ann understands what it means to fight for conservative family values. She consistently led the way on pro-life issues and sought to give voice to the voiceless and protect the rights of all Missourians. She also worked with President Trump to protect our constitutional rights, like the First and Second Amendments, from the liberal mob’s attacks. As Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the liberal mob threaten to restrict our God-given rights, Ann will continue fighting back and defending the Constitution.

Our American Heroes Deserve Praise And Respect

As the daughter of a Korean War veteran and mother of an Army Ranger, Ann understands our military members’ and families’ hardships to protect our freedoms. She worked to provide more resources for our military than ever before, and she continues to back the blue. Most importantly, she stands for our National Anthem and respects the American flag. In the House, Ann will always support our local American heroes.

Communist China Is Our Enemy

Communist China is not our ally. They caused this pandemic, took our jobs and destroyed our economy. We must continue the policies that held the Communist regime accountable. Joe Biden, however, is a friend of Beijing. He and his family have been enriched by the Communist regime and are pandering to their demands. Ann has introduced legislation to make Communist China pay for the pandemic. As your Congresswoman, she will continue to fight for the America First agenda that brought the Communist Chinese regime to the negotiating table and hold them accountable.

Iran Must Never Have A Nuclear Weapon

Ann worked to ensure Iran would have a nuclear weapon. She applauded the decision to leave the one-sided nuclear agreement and apply more sanctions. Joe Biden, however, is following Obama’s footsteps - creating a one-sided nuclear deal that will allow Iran to research and develop a nuclear weapon. In Congress, Ann will continue working to ensure Iran never has a nuclear weapon, because a nuclear Iran would destroy the only democracy in the Middle East, our ally, Israel.

Cancel Cancel Culture

The liberal mob will stop at nothing to seize power, and that includes silencing conservatives’ voices. They’ve canceled books, movies, and even the President of the United States – the leader of the free world. Ann is fighting back against Big Tech and working to repeal Section 230 once and for all. She will always fight to protect our Constitutional rights.

Farmers Feed The World

Missouri’s agriculture industry is the backbone of our economy. That’s why Ann continues to work to ensure they receive the resources they deserve. She fought against Obama’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule and continues to combat the EPA’s burdensome regulations. Ann worked to create trade agreements that helped strengthen our agriculture industry, and she will continue to do so in Congress.