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Jake LaTurner

Congressman Jake LaTurner proudly represents Kansas’ 2nd District in the House of Representatives in his first term in office.

Congressman LaTurner is steadfast in his commitment to honoring his Contract with Kansas:

  • Co-sponsoring a constitutional amendment that imposes term limits on Members of Congress. Fighting to secure our borders and protect our country.

  • Balancing our budget, opposing tax increases, and bringing fiscal responsibility to Washington. Fighting for work requirements for welfare recipients.

  • Standing, without apology for the sanctity of human life, protecting our sacred rights of religious liberty, safeguarding the right to keep and bear arms.

  • Protecting our incredible farmers and ranchers by fighting for the interests of Kansas agriculture. Living and raising his family in the great state of Kansas.

Congressman Jake LaTurner is a 6th-generation Kansan who was born and raised in Galena. Jake’s conservative values are shaped by his faith in God, devotion to family, and love of country. Jake and his wife, Suzanne, have four children: Ava, Joe, Maggie, and Gus.

Jake is a proud graduate of Pittsburg State University. During his time in college, he worked as a District Representative for former Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins. Following graduation, Jake went on to work for Watco, one of America’s top short-line rail companies. In that position, he learned the importance of putting the customer first.

Prior to serving in Congress, LaTurner served the people of Southeast Kansas in the State Senate from 2013-2017. As a State Senator, Jake helped pass welfare-to-work reform in Kansas. He also worked alongside the Kansas Farm Bureau to protect Kansas families and farmers by authoring and passing a lid on property tax increases.

Following his time as a State Senator, Jake proudly served as the 40th Kansas State Treasurer and was the youngest statewide elected official in America. During his tenure, he returned more than $45 million in money and valuables to Kansas taxpayers.

Second Amendment

I am working to always protect and safeguard Kansans’ Second Amendment rights. Our Founding Fathers understood the vital importance of firearms to ensure the individual right of all Americans to defend themselves and their property and accordingly enshrined this essential freedom in the Bill of Rights. I strongly oppose all legislation that threatens the ability of law-abiding citizens to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms.

Immigration and Border Security

I am deeply committed to securing our border, which I know is an integral part of our overall national security – a strong nation must have strong borders.

The United States of America is the most generous nation in the history of the world for immigrants, and we should continue to be. However, we should always do so with respect to our laws. Our legal immigration system strengthens our society and contributes to the greater good, which is why I am opposing any efforts to undermine it.


Veterans represent the best our nation has to offer. The brave men and women who served honorably in our Armed Forces have preserved the United States’ role as the leader of the free world. Giving support and care to those who have fought to protect us is vital.

I understand how critical it is for veterans to receive the best possible benefits and care from the Department of Veterans Affairs. I am working to safeguard the well-being of veterans and their family members throughout my time in office.


Farmers and ranchers cultivate our land, feed our people, and fuel our economy. I support Kansas agriculture and the pivotal role it plays in ensuring our nation’s prosperity. It is important for us to protect our farmers and ranchers by keeping regulations low, finding new markets for trade, and promoting investment in new technologies for the agriculture sector.

I am fighting to lower the tax burden on farmers and ranchers to ensure that family farms will continue to be passed on to the next generation.


Men and women of Kansas’ 2nd Congressional District, along with Americans across the country, make difficult decisions every single day of their lives to balance their checkbooks. It is ridiculous that the representatives they send to Washington abdicate their responsibility to make those same difficult decisions.

Today the national debt stands at over $28 trillion. There should be grave concern over our country’s ballooning national debt. We cannot be complacent with trillion-dollar deficits.

For these reasons, I co-sponsored a balanced budget amendment to force Congress to get its house in order. The bill proposes a Constitutional amendment prohibiting total spending for a fiscal year from exceeding total revenue for that fiscal year. With the passage of this legislation, Congress would no longer be allowed to spend more money than it raises.

Term Limits

I understand that I was sent to Washington to fulfill my promises and serve the needs of my constituents. In recognition of that, I moved swiftly to co-sponsor a Constitutional Amendment that imposes term limits on all members of Congress.

Congressional term limits will provide the Legislature with new people who have fresh ideas and are strictly focused on serving the interests of their constituents during their short time in Congress.

If we are serious about draining the swamp in Washington, Congress must pass term limits.


I am fighting to protect pro-life values in our country. I promised that I would be a fearless pro-life advocate throughout my public service, and I will keep my word to those who elected me.

In Congress, I have already taken bold actions to advance pro-life policies. After being sworn in, the first caucus I joined was the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, with the primary objective of preserving the sanctity of life. Also, I have co-sponsored significant, commonsense pro-life bills that protect the unborn. Specifically, I co-sponsored the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 1080), which prohibits any person from performing an abortion on an unborn child who is 20 weeks or older.

Additionally, I co-sponsored the Defund Planned Parenthood Act (H.R. 541), a bill that prohibits Planned Parenthood from accessing any federal mandatory or discretionary funds for one year. The bill also reallocates more than nearly $250 million to other community health centers that do not perform abortions.

We must never waver in our commitment to defending the most vulnerable lives among us – the unborn. Many Americans are fighting against the abortion industry to protect life. I am confident that life will win.


Our government does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. Kansans deserve to keep more of their hard-earned money.

I will continue to defend the pro-growth policies, like the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This tax reform cut taxes for Kansans, delivered bonuses for workers, and increased benefits for families. I will fight against any attempt to repeal it.