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Juan Ciscomani

I am excited to announce I am running for U.S. Congress in Arizona’s new 6th congressional district to represent the community and state I proudly call home. This district is where I grew up, it is where my wife Laura and I are raising our six kids, and where we are pursuing our American Dream. As a dad, husband and lifelong member of this community, I want to fight for our values and the American Dream to ensure our voice is heard in Washington, D.C. And let’s face it: right now, we are not being heard or represented.

Biden and Pelosi are pushing policies that are hurting our district and Arizona: broken policies that created the border crisis in our own backyard, out-of-control spending that my children, and yours, will be left to pay for someday, efforts to force a federal takeover of our elections and crushing taxes and regulations that will leave the American Dream out of reach for so many Americans.

For too long, our community’s voice has been ignored. I’ll make sure to fix that. I’ve dedicated my career to fighting for this community, and I’m ready to take that fight to Congress. With the margin in the U.S. House so unbelievably close, all we need is to flip a handful of seats, including this one, to take back the majority and all of these bad ideas working their way through Congress are dead in their tracks.

I have worked directly with the people of our district - from Casa Grande to Safford to Sierra Vista and Tucson - listening to their needs, understanding their concerns and advancing a limited government agenda because we know big Washington government is not the solution to the issues we face.

I am a grateful beneficiary of the American Dream and I am determined to fight to preserve it for my kids and future generations of Arizonans. There is work to be done, and with your help, I know we can get our country headed back in the right direction.

We are excited and energized! Join Team Ciscomani today to preserve the American Dream, fight for our values and ensure our district has a voice.

Meet Juan

Juan grew up right here in Arizona’s new 6th congressional district, and has dedicated his career to fighting on behalf of our community and giving us a voice.

As a first generation American, Juan’s love of country and patriotism were born out of his upbringing in a working-class family. His parents instilled in him conservative values, a strong work ethic, and an optimistic can-do attitude.

While attending public schools in Tucson, Juan held several jobs and earned scholarships to pay for school. He was the first from his family to achieve a higher education, graduating from Pima Community College and the University of Arizona.

Juan’s professional career has centered around our community’s best interests. During his time at the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, he fought for lower taxes and the elimination of unnecessary regulations on behalf of small business owners.

Today, too many politicians talk about the border, but have never even been to the border. Juan understands first-hand the need to secure our border. As Senior Advisor to Governor Ducey for more than 7 years, Juan has worked closely with Border Patrol, border sheriffs, ranchers and residents along the border to bring resources and attention to our border crisis. Also, as Vice-Chair of the Arizona-Mexico Commission, Juan understands the value and importance of Arizona’s trade and tourism relationship with Mexico. In Congress, Juan will fight for policies that secure our border and enhance trade.

Juan’s family story is the American Dream story. America is the land of opportunity that has provided his family, like for so many others, the freedom to pursue the American Dream. Today’s policies coming out of DC are pushing the American Dream further and further out of reach. We must fight back.

Juan and Laura value faith, life and family as the proud parents of six active kids: Zoe, Juan IV, Kenneth, Lily, Lucas and Gloria, who they are raising in Tucson. Juan’s favorite activities include coaching his kids’ flag football teams and also volunteering in his church.


The most important function of government is to protect its citizens, and the Biden-Harris administration is failing. Securing our border is the federal government’s responsibility. Under President Trump’s administration, we made real progress. But now, our border is in crisis.

Juan won’t let that stand. He’ll take the fight for border security and public safety directly to Washington, DC to keep Arizona families safe.

Juan supports a comprehensive, all-of-the-above approach to secure the border to stop drug cartels and human traffickers. This means putting boots on the ground, deploying new technology, and finishing the wall. It also means ensuring that our law enforcement officers have the resources they need to do their job. Juan will fight against Nancy Pelosi and the radical Left and protect Arizona. Arizona’s border should be an asset, not a liability. If the federal government does its job securing the border, we can focus on maximizing the benefit to Arizona from the improved USMCA trade deal with Mexico and Canada. We want legal trade that benefits American workers, not illegal drugs coming across the border.

For a full comparison of Juan and his opponent, Kirsten Engel, on this issue and others click here.


Arizona families and senior citizens are being crushed by soaring inflation, the rising cost of living, and record-setting gas and grocery prices. Meanwhile, Washington keeps printing more money and making things worse. As a dad of 6, Juan knows the challenges facing families firsthand. The Biden administration remains completely out of touch.

In Congress, Juan will fight for us by supporting a balanced budget and getting Washington spending under control. He will also fight for good paying American jobs, reduced regulations and lower taxes on families and small businesses. For a full comparison of Juan and his opponent, Kirsten Engel, on this issue and others click here.


America’s faith in the integrity of our elections is at a low point.

Juan will take action to ensure our faith in our elections returns by charting the path forward with common-sense policies like strong voter ID requirements. Right now, Washington wants to federalize elections in a takeover that would undermine state voting ID laws, automatically register ineligible voters, and even use taxpayer money to fund campaign attack ads. Nancy Pelosi designed this legislation to stack the deck against Republicans so they can’t win. That’s unacceptable, and Juan will strongly stand against these efforts.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Juan strongly supports the 2nd Amendment and right to bear arms. He will fight against any infringement on an individual’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms.


Our national security and public safety is of the utmost importance. Arizona’s 6th congressional district is home to two military installations: Davis Monthan Air Force Base and Fort Huachuca. Our military personnel fight to protect our country, and in Congress, Juan will fight to defend the critical missions carried out at these installations, protect our air space, and support our men and women in uniform.

In addition, we owe a debt of gratitude to those who have fought to defend our country. Our veterans must have access to the healthcare they deserve, and Juan will fight on their behalf.

And our community’s first responders must be supported as they risk their lives daily to protect our communities. Juan will back the blue and stand with our police, fire, and all first responders.

For a full comparison of Juan and his opponent, Kirsten Engel, on this issue and others click here.


Juan is proudly pro-life. He is the dad of six kids: 3 boys and 3 girls.

For a full comparison of Juan and his opponent, Kirsten Engel, on this issue and others click here.


Our country’s dependence on foreign energy must be eliminated. We need to secure America’s energy independence.


Washington liberals are losing sight of what it is to be an American – worse, many of them seem ashamed of being Americans. Juan is the candidate we need to defend our American values and our Constitution for the next generation.

Juan is for the First Amendment and free speech, not cancel culture. We need a growing economy - not rising inflation. There must be a priority to bring jobs back to America and stop the reliance on China. Juan will work to reduce the regulatory environment that stifles business, and lower taxes. He believes that taxpayers should get to keep more of their hard-earned money because they know how to spend it better than government bureaucrats.

Juan will stand up to extreme ideas like Critical Race Theory, which teaches that race matters more than hard work and individual effort. He knows from personal experience that’s not true, and Juan will fight to stop these dangerous ideas at every turn. Our country’s future depends on it.

Juan and his family are living the American Dream – a dream he will fight to protect.


For too long, our district’s voice has been ignored. Juan will carry the voice of and advocate for the citizens of Arizona’s 6th congressional district.

This district is home to many retirees. There must be access to reliable, affordable healthcare.

Water is critical for our district and our state. Today, Arizona uses less water than we did decades ago while utilizing technology, growing our population, and preserving our resources. But the water challenges facing the district today remain. Juan will fight for a reliable, safe and affordable water supply.

Juan has dedicated his career to fighting for this community, and Juan’s ready to take that fight to Congress. Between growing up here and now raising his 6 kids in the district, Juan knows this community inside and out. He’s fought for a secure border, our small businesses, for school choice and for free-market principles. He’ll continue that fight for our community in Congress.