Republican governor Virginia Campain website

glenn youngkin

Glenn Youngkin will bring a new day to Virginia with fresh ideas, shared values, and innovative solutions to rebuild and reimagine Virginia’s future.

Governor Glenn Youngkin is a homegrown Virginian who grew up in Richmond and Virginia Beach. As his father changed jobs, Governor Youngkin learned that moving around didn’t equal moving up – nothing was handed to him. From his first job washing dishes and frying eggs at a diner in Virginia Beach, he embraced hard work and responsibility to help his family when his father lost his job. His determination to succeed earned him multiple high school basketball honors in Virginia and an athletic scholarship to college.

After earning an engineering degree at Rice University, and his MBA at Harvard Business School, Governor Youngkin and his wife Suzanne moved to Northern Virginia. He landed a job at The Carlyle Group, where he spent the next 25 years. Working his way to the top of the company, Governor Youngkin played a key role in building Carlyle into one of the leading investment firms in the world. His efforts have helped fund the retirements of teachers, police officers, firefighters and other frontline public servants and supported hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

Married for over 27 years to his amazing wife Suzanne, Governor Youngkin is a dedicated father of four wonderful children. Their family journey has been and continues to be guided by their faith.

The Gov Glenn Youngkin Game Plan

One party Democrat control is failing Virginians: our recovery from the pandemic ranks in the bottom 10 among states, our students are behind in school, violent crime has risen to 20-year highs, and much of government, like the Virginia Employment Commission and Department of Motor Vehicles, is broken. People are voting with their feet and leaving the Commonwealth.

It’s time for bold leadership. Glenn will make sure Virginia has better-paying jobs, the best schools, the safest communities, and a government that works for you. His game plan will create 400,000 jobs and make sure every student graduates career or college ready.

Glenn will cut exploding costs for families and relieve the burdens of inflation and taxes. He will cut regulations to create jobs and make it easier for innovators and entrepreneurs to get small businesses moving again. He will restore our high standards for schools and our students, ban critical race theory, invest in our teachers and schools, and empower parents with real choices.

He will defend - not defund - our law enforcement heroes, end human trafficking, and rescue our failing mental health system. And Glenn will make state government honest, efficient, and modern.

While moving forward on these priorities, Glenn will protect our constitutional rights.

The result will be a Commonwealth where businesses can prosper, students can thrive, communities are safe, and people – not politicians – are in charge.

It’s going to take a new kind of leader, not a failed politician looking for a second chance, to make it happen. When Glenn is Governor, we will get it done together.

Cut Costs For Virginians

The cost of living is rising for Virginians, and people are leaving the Commonwealth to look for jobs and start lives elsewhere. Glenn will tackle the rising cost of living and cut costs for Virginians by:

Eliminating Virginia’s Grocery Tax & Suspending the Recent Gas Tax Hike for 12 Months Providing a One Time Tax Rebate of $600 for Joint Filers and $300 for Individuals Ending Runaway Property Taxes by Requiring Voter Approval for Increases Cutting Income Taxes by Doubling the Standard Deduction & Cutting Taxes on Veteran Retirement Pay

Keep Our Communities Safe

Failed leadership and dangerous policies have left Virginia less safe. With rising violent crime and the murder rate at a 20-year high, Glenn will keep our communities safe by:

  • Fully Funding Law Enforcement & Protecting Qualified Immunity for our Law Enforcement Heroes
  • Firing the Parole Board & Keeping Violent Criminals Off Our Streets
  • Launching #UnityInTheCommunity Programs Operation Ceasefire & Project Exile
  • Fixing Our Broken Mental Health System

Reinvigorate Job Growth

Add 400,000 Jobs & 10,000 Startups

Virginia’s jobs machine is broken. After zero job growth from 2013 through 2020, Virginia currently ranks 44th in job recovery during the pandemic and was recently ranked as the 49th best state to start a business. Glenn will jumpstart our economy by:

  • Keeping Virginia Open and Protecting Lives & Livelihoods
  • Protecting Virginians from Forced Unionization & Cutting Job Killing Regulations by 25%
  • Launching #JumpstartJobs to Develop Talent, Train Workers, Attract Investment, & Make Virginia the Easiest State to Start a Business
  • Reinvigorating Small Business by Enacting a Small Business Tax Holiday & Ending the Tax on Rebuild VA and PPP Loans

Restore Excellence In Education

Virginia’s students have fallen behind because of extended school closings, lower school standards, and political agendas. Glenn will empower parents and restore excellence and commonsense in education by:

  • Keeping Schools Open Safely Five Days a Week
  • Restoring High Expectations & Getting Every Student College or Career Ready
  • Ridding Political Agendas from the Classroom by Banning Critical Race Theory
  • Rebuilding Crumbling Schools, Raising Teacher Pay, & Investing in Special Education Programs
  • Creating at least 20 New Innovation Charter Schools across the K-12 Spectrum to Provide Choice

Make Government Work For You

Virginia’s government is failing its fundamental mission – serving the people. Our system is broken as customer service at agencies such as the DMV and VEC disappears. Glenn will make government work by:

  • Fixing the DMV & the Virginia Employment Commission
  • Protecting our Constitutional Rights
  • Conducting a Statewide Transparency Audit to Root out Waste, Fraud & Abuse
  • Restoring Photo ID Laws & Making it Easy to Vote and Hard to Cheat
  • Investing More Money in Roads & Highways
  • Completing Long-Delayed Environmental Projects