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Jeff Duncan

Jeff Duncan is a South Carolina native and a 1988 graduate of Clemson University. Prior to being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010, Congressman Duncan served as Branch Manager and Assistant Vice President during his seven years working in community banking. Later, he became the President and CEO of J. Duncan Associates, a South Carolina based, family owned real estate marketing firm which specialized in statewide real estate auctions. Duncan concurrently served as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 2002-2010.

Duncan came to Congress to serve the great people of the Third District of South Carolina by supporting free-markets, individual liberties, and limited government. Over the years, Jeff has joined a number of caucuses and committees including the House Freedom Caucus, Pro-Life Caucus, and Republican Study Committee where he is able join other Members of Congress in advocating for conservative policies across the board. He also advocates for a balanced budget, cutting government spending, term limits, secure borders, a strong national defense, and the repeal of Obamacare.

Duncan has long been known for his passion for American energy dominance through an all-of-the-above approach, and he utilizes this passion and experience in his role on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. He believes energy dominance is vital to our national security and critical to job creation. He has supported many research opportunities and missions in the Third District and in other areas of the state that bring our country closer to true energy dominance. Jeff takes a particular interest in the promotion of nuclear energy as he believes it is an important component of our energy matrix, providing carbon free energy, and South Carolina is home to the Savannah River Site nuclear complex. Duncan also actively supports the use of the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository site in Nevada as a long-term storage site for nuclear waste. Further, Duncan advocates for offshore energy exploration which has the potential to create thousands of jobs and generate millions in revenue for South Carolina. He believes seismic surveys in the Atlantic would provide valuable information about what resources are off the shores, beyond the visible horizon.

Duncan currently serves on the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittees on Energy, Environment and Climate Change, and Communications and Technology. He is the Co-Chairman of the GOP’s House Energy Action Team (HEAT) which supports expedited permitting of energy projects and the use of currently undeveloped areas for energy production in the United States, including areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other federal land. He has previously served on the House Natural Resources Committee, the House Homeland Security Committee where he was the Chairman of the Oversight and Management Efficiency Subcommittee, and the House Foreign Affairs Committee where he was the Chairman of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee.

During his tenure in the General Assembly, Duncan served as the Chairman of the House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee from 2007 to 2009. While a state legislator, he served on the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Outer Continental Shelf’s five year Planning Sub-Committee which was charged with making recommendations for oil and natural gas leases on offshore areas. In addition, he served on the state’s Natural Gas Offshore Drilling Study Committee and was appointed to represent the state of South Carolina on the Southern States Energy Board.

Duncan has received awards including the Freedom Fighter Award, Friend of the Farm Bureau, National Security Patriot Award, Guardian of Small Business, Hero of Main Street, Taxpayer’s Hero, and the prestigious Order of the Palmetto awarded by the Governor of South Carolina.

Jeff is a resident of Laurens County. He has been married to his wife, Melody, for over thirty years and they have three adult sons: Graham, John Philip (JP), and Parker. Jeff and Melody are members of First Baptist Church of Clinton, South Carolina.


You will not find anyone in Congress who supports securing our borders, and enforcing our immigration laws more than Jeff Duncan. Jeff has stood with President Trump has he has fought against illegal immigration, and to stop the flow of drugs and crime coming into our country. Jeff has a top rating with the pro-immigration enforcement group Numbers USA, and has been a long advocate for banning sanctuary cities, requiring mandatory E-Verify, eliminating birthright citizenship, and ending chain migration.


As a small businessman, Duncan saw first-hand the negative impact that a bloated government bureaucracy, high taxes, and fiscal responsibility had on small businesses and the economy. Knowing the impact of tax increases on the average household and business, Duncan proudly supports lower taxes and supported the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which not only created jobs, but increased wages for American workers. Not only does Duncan support job creation, he fights daily to remove burdensome regulations that send American jobs overseas. When we get government out of the way, businesses can thrive. Not only will business thrive, but individuals will be able to keep more of what they work hard to earn.


As a staunch proponent of American energy independence, Duncan makes decisions on the House Energy and Commerce Committee through a free market lens. In addition to supporting nuclear energy and the many jobs it creates, Duncan supports increased access to natural resources and ending American dependence on foreign sources of energy.


As a lifetime hunter, sport shooter, and defender of liberty, Congressman Duncan fully supports the Right to Bear Arms, and opposes all efforts to take away these important and fundamental rights. Jeff staunchly opposes Beto O’Rourke’s radical gun confiscation program, and supports legislation like the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and the Hearing Protection Act that would make it easier for Americans to exercise their constitutionally protected right to carry.


As a small businessman, Duncan saw first-hand the negative impact that a bloated government bureaucracy, high taxes, and fiscal responsibility had on small businesses and the economy. Knowing the impact of tax increases on the average household and business, Duncan proudly supports lower taxes and supported the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which not only created jobs, but increased wages for American workers. Not only does Duncan support job creation, he fights daily to remove burdensome regulations that send American jobs overseas. When we get government out of the way, businesses can thrive. Not only will business thrive, but individuals will be able to keep more of what they work hard to earn.


Congressman Duncan is strongly pro-life and has a perfect pro-life rating from National Right to Life. Jeff believes life begins at conception, and that unborn persons are entitled to the same inalienable, God-given rights as all Americans. Jeff has fought to prevent abortion providers like Planned Parenthood from receiving any taxpayer funds, and has championed many pro-life causes in Congress. Being pro-life, Congressman Duncan supports strengthening adoption and foster care programs in the United States, which includes protecting organizations and ministries like Miracle Hill from federal Interference.


Congressman Duncan is proud to have one of the highest rankings in all of Congress on fiscal responsibility. Our nation is not in debt because we tax Americans too little, our nation is in debt because our government spends too much money. Duncan has consistently voted for spending cuts in Washington, and has authored and co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to drastically cut federal spending. Jeff is a strong advocate for a balanced budget amendment, and has pushed for the adoption of federal spending caps.


The defense and security of our nation is one of the few areas that our Founding Fathers recognized needed to be a federal issue. Congressman Duncan believes a strong national defense starts with taking care of those who are willing to put on a uniform in defense of freedom, both during and after their term of service. That also means putting political correctness aside, and taking steps to eliminate the threat of radical Islamic terrorism both at home and abroad.